This is why the column is called Constipation of the Mind rather than Diarrhea or laxative of the mind. For the last few days I have been trying to write about something, anything that could be sewn together into a manageable reading piece that would not only entertain you but possibly encourage you to pass the writing along.
This piece began with me writing about my infatuation with pro wrestling when I was younger. How my younger brother (Robie) and I would spend hours cutting, coloring, and distorting card board to make wrestling belts. We would cut out the shapes and begin to color and name each belt. We had a heavy weight, intercontinental, and even a tag team championship belt. I began thinking about our two hour battle royals when our parents weren’t around. How I would body slam him, close line him, and give him the deadly back breaker across my knee. I would throw him against the “ropes” (in our case my parent’s wall) and he would come propelling back only to feel the grasp of the Iron Claw, the Big Boot, or the Sleeper Hold. I would finish him off by jumping from the top turnbuckle (i.e. Mom’s dresser) with a Jimmy the Super Fly Snuka head butt. He in turn stuck a bobby pin in my ear, sprayed my face with window cleaner, and used every dirty maneuver to stop my sheer dominance of him.
Rethinking the glory days of my wrestling career didn’t seem like a piece worth writing about considering it made me further realize how much of a dork I was growing up. So this morning before my first stair master workout, Faith was shooting me ideas of what to write about and soon the piece took form. I was going to write about what I read or heard today and over the last few days. I was going to write about random thoughts by giving my own random thoughts and hopefully someone may be able to relate, find it entertaining, or at least keep understanding that my dorkiness probably hasn’t left … and at this rate not sure if it ever will.
So on to the randomness …
- Emailed to me Wednesday morning from Becky F. a quote from Flavor Flav to People magazine:
“I want a girl who looks good when she wakes up in the morning. We could take her face and dip it in dough and she'll make some nice face cookies. Some girls wake up, man, you could put their face in dough and you'll get a gorilla cookie, for real!" – Flavor Flav
Veloso Thought Process:
My first thought was Flavor is exactly right. Why would you want to roll over and start the day off looking at a gorilla face? I mean think about it … at least if her face made oatmeal raisin, chocolate chip, or sugar cookies it may not encourage you to starting baking in the morning but she would be a little tasty. A gorilla face cookie … uhhhhh …. No. Second thought was crap …. I should have never outwardly agreed with the Flavorful one … so my third thought was, what do I want to wake up to in the morning? …. 1) someone who wouldn’t mind hitting snooze and laying together for another 5 minutes, 2) someone who would want to bake in the morning … not saying every morning … but those mornings when baking feels right, and 3) someone who doesn’t mind waking up to a dork every morning … actually appreciates dorkiness. Asking too much? … I know … but at least I don’t feel a need to dip her in any cooking products … unless we’re baking ….
Veloso Thought Process:
Not enough space to thoroughly give this topic justice and truly understand the Dreamy/Finn debate. To fully grasp the debate, we have to look into another such debate, the Big/Aiden debate from Sex in the City … but there is not enough time right now.
Having very little successes achieving the Big or Mc Dreamy status, I am only able to piece together ideas to formulate a theory. The theory being women at some point in their lives want the mystery, the roller coaster, the guy who posses that unique edge that keeps you wanting more because you can’t have it. That person who if you had a chance you could change. However at some point, they begin to realize that what was right in front of them (at least this is my hope) is actually better … more true … more honest … than the edge. With that said, I do know the nerdy dork can however mature into Mc Dreamy with out having to use his lawn mowing money to buy the girl … and yes I am still holding out on this one … to mature into Mc Dreamy status.
I thought I would also add on a readers’ take on the same topic: “The important thing to note about Meredith's relationship with Finn is that she told him things about herself and Derek, and that she hardly talked to Derek at all. People who don't really connect with each other obviously don't talk about day to day, mundane things, and it was mentioned that they did that. The relationship with Derek has been built up and made more intense because of the uncertainty of it, his moral obligations to his wife, and their professional relationship. So really, maybe Meredith is only illusioned to think that she really loves him, but in all actuality, she's just really in super lust with him.”
And yet another reader: “Sometimes we want something we can't have. Yes, Meredith could have had McDreamy and Finn, but at the time she didn't know and either way she would have made a mistake. It was a process she needed to go through-figuring out which guy was right for her! Ultimately her bad timing burned her in the end. Sad, but many times timing is everything. You can't force things like love!”
And you thought I was the only one who analyzed Grey’s Anatomy.
We can all admit when Meredith was in the elevator with Mc Dreamy, we were all yelling at her not to do it! Not to tell Mc Dreamy she broke up with Finn … TIMING … TIMING … TIMING … I wished I could have Tivo’d it and made her stop.
- This quote was taken from page 128 in “Letter’s to Sam” by Daniel Gottlieb. The book is a collection of letters written by a grandfather to his autistic grandson. During the letter writing, the grandfather is in an accident that results in him becoming a quadriplegic.
“When your resume is perfect, how will your soul feel?”
Veloso Thought Process:
I read this book on Monday while at the Barnes and Noble. I began by reading the first few pages while standing. In a matter of minutes, I was sitting in the children’s section having felt a roller coaster of emotions. It is a moving book that I recommend you take time to read.
With regard to the quote, I wrote it down and have been thinking about it off and on for the past few days and still thinking about it. I don’t know how my soul will feel. I hope it feels happy, satisfied, energized, and enthusiastic. I hope it has no regrets or sadness for not risking what could be or for letting go of something grand. I hope it’s not lonely and has a lot stories to tell.
- Brian Faith, “write about the Political Race.”
Veloso Thought Process:
Writing about politics would be a major stretch for me … writing about candidates is even further. So I thought I would say what I would want my candidate to be like, how he would lead … 1) Lead with intelligence and justice but experience the process with every emotion possible. 2) Have emotion fuel his leadership. 3) Be able to go against the crowd with the idea that he is not to showing how different he is from others but rather to celebrate who he is. Many people today look at emotion as a negative thing, as not being strong or stable. But the only negative is not experiencing ones emotions or not letting them come out. It’s a risk but one that allows you to experience and act with conviction.
- Taken from the title of the book “Who will Cry When You Die?” by Robin Sharma
Veloso Thought Process:
Another tough one with a very selfish answer from myself that may not even answer the question. I would want my parents, brothers, family members, and close friends to cry. Because 1) I could not imagine anyone close to me dieing. I could not imagine the pain I would feel over the loss. I know I am an emotional person. I am a passionate person. And to have someone close to me who has shared those experiences with me leave would be devastating. And 2) I want them to be able to know and say Antonio was a good guy. Not an intelligent guy. Not a successful guy. Not a sweet guy. Not a passionate guy. Not a guy’s guy. But simply he was a good guy. And through that, I hope they will cry.
- Quote by Brian Faith while trying to see if there were any Ultimate Fighting Matches going on at 11pm,
“No one is too mature to watch two guys beat each other up.”
Veloso Thought Process:
This is one of the most educated, intelligent, and successful people I know. So it’s good to know that even the Mc Dreamy’s of the world have that little dork in them who enjoys jumping off the top turnbuckle and landing a Jimmy the Super Fly Snuka head but on their opponent.
A Dimbulb Can Light Up a Room Too ...