Movies, Movies, Movies!!!
Thinking about watching a movie but not sure what you're looking for or into at the time. Take a look at DimBulb's 2007 movie selections where the DimBulb looks to light up your selection with the 29 movies he has seen in the theaters thus far that range from those that are now out on DVD to those that are still in theaters.
The Current Top 3 of 2007
1) Superbad - If you haven't seen the movie ... you should! This is the only movie that the DimBulb has actually seen twice this year with each time getting more entertained than the first. Ladies ... just remember where the Dimbulb's back is when you return the favor after being highly entertained by Superbad.
2) In The Land of Women - This could possibly be the 2007 movie which goes under the radar in terms of viewer ships and awards. The Dimbulb randomly walked into this afternoon movie because of Meg Ryan and left fully entertained with a story about life, couping with life, and understanding.
3) Kite Runner - This is a must see on a different level than SuperBad ...
And Worst of 2007
1) Transformers - The stale overly buttered popcorn was incredible and when you packaged it with a flat medium Diet Coke the movie was bearable at best.
A movie allows you to experience emotion ... and emotion is a wonderful thing which we tend to hide, put aside, or look away as if it were a weakness. But if you stop and take the time to see how emotion illicit thoughts, conversations, and feelings, you'll see how emotions strengthen and awaken us.
A movie ... a good movie awakens us by encouraging us to take part and welcome our emotions ... what ever they may be.
Go out and see a MOVIE!