"He's going to fight. Daniel LaRusso is gonna to fight!"
Yes ... I am back. After a 5 month sabbatical that felt as though Bobby from the Cobra Kai dojo swept my leg, I have emerged ready to enter my crane stance and begin the world of writing with the Dim-bulb.
First a thank you to Brian Faith who founded www.dim-bulb.com thus allowing the dimbulb to "flourish" in the information super highway.
Second, this is NOT a blog. A blog is: "(short for web log) is a website where entries are written in chronological order and displayed in reverse chronological order." Further ... "The modern blog evolved from the online diary, where people would keep a running account of their personal lives."
This will not be an online diary but more of a collection of short stories, theories, and writings that can be read in no order what so ever and will some day be collected to form a book. This is also the start of a business venture which will unfold over the next couple years.
So begins the Dimbulb which will be updated once a week (every Thursday) and eventually twice once the site is completely developed and a routine established. Emails will continue to be sent to remind everyone of the updates.
As always, I hope the stories, theories, and writings continue to entertain and get passed along.
So take a few minutes and relax because a dimbulb can light up a room too