DimBulb at The Movies 2007

2007 Movie Guide
1) Blades of Glory - Entertaining in the mold of Anchor Man (but doesn't get close ... every time you watch Anchor Man you come across something new) and Talladega Nights (much closer to this movie in terms of a couple classic scenes but more random trying to be funny dialogue.) RATING: 2 out of 5.
2) Spider Man - If I can't even write the complete name of the movie that tells my opinion of it. Action and special effects wise worth watching especially if you have seen the previous three. But if you are like me and either want to laugh, get the heebee-geebees, or engulfed and suspend your daily life for 2 hours ... this isn't the movie for you. Only reason for the 2 out of 5 rating is the trilogy aspect ... which doesn't remotely come close to the greatest trilogy ever put together ... KARATE KID!!!!!! ... already singing to myself "Your the Best aaaaround, nothing can ever ...." RATING: 2 out of 5.
3) Meet the Robinsons - Very entertaining story line that may be over the head of younger viewers. A solid movie for the entire family. RATING: 2.75 out of 5
4) Pirates of the Caribbean - Again if I can't write the entire title probably tells you my opinion of the movie. The movie was a little too long going 2 hours and 45 minutes but much better than Pirates II. RATING: 3 out of 5
5) Knocked Up - Very entertaining. Had elements of raw comedy coupled with refined specifically placed comedy that worked because of the vastly polar opposite main characters. The story line of a slacker hooking up with a woman who is close to being at the very least a 9.5 gives everyone hope that we have a chance of over achieving ... just remember when the time comes to wear a condom. RATING: 3.99 out of 5 (could have easily been a 4 but did take a little longer than it should have but a definite buy at some point).
6) Astronaut Farmer - A very entertaining family film on the same lines as the Rookie ... keep dreaming and don't lose sight of your dreams because you can make them happen if you believe and do. RATING 3 out of 5 ... a very solid 3 out of 5.
7) In the Land of Women - A coming of age romantic comedy that is very well written and in depth. I was engulfed throughout the entire movie because of the story line and sequence of events. This is a coming of age romantic comedy which will force you to feel more than just humor but the delicate intertwining of relationships and how to grow in those relationship encounters. RATING: 4.25 out of 5.
8) Reign Over Me - Not your typical Adam Sandler film but Sandler does an excellent job playing a husband who has lost his family and tries to coup with his own reality while his former best friend is simply struggling to understand his life. Makes you appreciate life and the relationships with in life. A little far fetched for some in the end but worked for me ... got the heebeejeebees, laughed, and enjoyed the film. RATING: 3.75 out of 5 stars.
9) Shriek the Third - A very poor addition to the Shriek series. After absolutely enjoying and developing a theory about love and a rating system (will be published on the site soon) and being vastly entertained by the second installment, the third just fell SHORT. Unlike most movies where you can pick a single scene to at least start a conversation with, the only thing I remember from the movie is that I wasn't entertained. RATING: 1.75 out of 5
10) Ocean's 13 - Excellent story line that as always is so obscene in how they are going to pull off the heist but yet in the end makes complete sense! The characters provide funny side bar entertainment while effectively working together. Another positive aspect is you don't even realize or need to know that this is the third installment of the Ocean's series. A very entertaining time at the movies. RATING: 3.75 out of 5.
11) Live Free or Die Hard - For a 3rd installment, this was pretty good especially if you are looking for an afternoon of zoning out and suspending reality for 2 hours. Much like the previous 2 movies, Bruce has some good one liners and plenty of action scenes. The only concern I would have is if you would be able to suspend the same reality watching from your home on a DVD ... can't see there being a similar experience. RATING: 3.5 out of 5 (if watching in a theater) and 2.5 out of 5 (if watching at home.
12) Ratatouille
- Well written story line which would be enjoyable for both adults and young adults. The message is very clear and positive ... one which should be embraced. Again I continue to be impressed with the future of graphics used in today's cartoons! Every character added their own distinctive touch to story that kept me interested throughout ... sometimes you even forgot it was a cartoon. RATING: 3.75 out of 5.
13) Transformers - The popcorn was incredible. It was the perfect combination of butter, salt (which i added myself), and freshness. The medium diet coke was just large enough that I didn't feel like I was robbed but yet during consumption never got the urge to go to the restroom ... which I would have enjoyed rather than sitting through a movie that had the dialogue of the 1980's Transformers cartoon. I tried to find reasons not to enjoy the diet coke and popcorn more than the movie itself. Special effects ... too fast and choppy where I couldn't tell the difference between which Transformer was getting his butt kicked. Story line ... it truly is cartoon like. Love scene ... trying to develop a relationship aspect when there are robots speaking like they are 3rd graders really didn't work for me. Reliving / Remembering when you were a kid ... I never got into the Transformers' craze. I could never understand how robots could rule the world, could never get how some kids enjoyed "transforming" cars, planes, and dinosaurs into robots, and never could get myself to suspend my imagination. Now GI Joe ... that was a cartoon I would not mind reliving and remembering! And when the figurines came out with the swivel arm, a whole new world opened up to me! I began building wrestling rings out of Legos. I was Vince McMahon developing wrestling plots and choreographing moves. The swivel arm gave the action figures the ability to perform every move that the WWF performers were doing. A whole NEW WORLD! RATING: .33 out of 5
14) Simpsons the Movie First off, I know when you are in Tahoe vacationing the last thing one should do is watch a movie. You have the Lake, multiple bike trails, golf courses, and gambling. But a vacation is a time to unwind and relax. And there is nothing more relaxing than a movie that purely entertains, doesn't force you to think, and makes you laugh. Not even being a Simpsons fan, I enjoyed this movie. Never once was I left thinking about the reality factor, never once did I look at my cell phone, never once did I question why I even paid for the movie. I was entertained from the start. But be warned that the story line is actually better than what one may expect from a TV show made movie. I would not buy the DVD version so the rating on the Simpsons the Movie is a little skewed because the rating system is based on whether you should but the movie or not but I am giving it a fairly high rating because it is a very relaxing, entertaining, and simply enjoyable movie. RATING: 3.75 out of 5
15) The Ex Not romantic ... not much of a comedy ... not sure what genre "The Ex" would fall into. The basic story line of an underachiever in life who meets his wife's ex boyfriend who is no where near an underachiever would be an above average set up for both comedy and romance but falls short, falls very short of being more than a side show movie with comedic parts and an attempt for us to feel the romance. RATING: 2.0 out of 5
16) The Bourne Ultimatum The third segment in the Jason Bourne Trilogy was excellent. Unlike most trilogies or sequels, the Jason Bourne story keeps going and going. The third portion was a perfect "ending" to the trilogy. The characters were tied together in an exciting ending. Like all movies, a successful one is one where I can sit and forget that I am in the theater and be engulfed by the movie. The Bourne Ultimatum achieved this for me. RATING: 4.25 out of 5
17) Superbad WATCH IT. The only movie I have seen twice this year and both times I couldn't stop laughing. Just remember where my back is located because in 10 years, I have no idea what I'll be into ... but for now 'Superbad" is phat! RATING: 4.88 out of 5.
18) Resurrecting the Champ Excellent true story which had me interested until there was a quick jump from one scene to the next without any support for the jump. I'm still not sure whether the jump was from the editing floor or a mistake by the theater who was running the movie. But me being me, I spent the remainder of the movie (40 minutes) wondering who created that jump and loosing interesting. RATING: 2.75 out of 5 (could have made the rating even lower but since I am still unsure about the jump and don't want to pay to watch the movie again, I'll give the movie the benefit of the doubt by reasoning the editor of the movie wouldn't naturally make that jump/skip).
19) 3:10 to Yuma Good movies have me engulfed through out ... I was engulfed for 85% of the movie. And don't worry if you're not a western type moviegoer because the plot and acting can stand on its own. RATING: 4.00 out of 5.
20) American Gangster A must watch for 2007. Like "3:10 to Yuma", I was negulfed but unlike it I was engulfed for the entire movie. Denzel and Russell both do a magnificent job in engaging their characters through the story line of a "sidekick" ganster turned mob boss to a honest cop playing in the world of dishonest crime fighting. A solid, must watch movie. RATING: 4.5 out 5.
21) Martian Child An orphan who creates his own world to help him coup with life, loving, and trusting makes for a possible tear jerker but does fall short in the emotional tugging. But even with its falling short of creating the Hee-bee Gee-Bees it does make you question how we deal with our daily lives, how we coup with trusting again ... do we throw ourselves back into the emotional risky mix of relationships or sit back and deal with our lives by not experiencing, opening, or dealing at all with it? And with that question, Martian Child was "saved". RATING: 3.00 out of 5.
22) August Rush A romantic story with a feel good ending ... yes hee-bee gee-bee worthy ... but Robin Williams makes the movie with his role as the "caretaker" of the young orphan with a special musical talents. RATING: 3.25 out of 5.
23) This Christmas At first a cookie cutter holiday movie about the power and strength of family but then the questions that arise from the characters aren't extraordinary but rather down to earth ... ones that we encounter everyday. And it are those questions and struggles and more importantly how we deal with them on a day to day basis that makes This Christmas a solid film. Do we create a "perfect" image just so we don't have to deal with our issues? Do we accept our situations rather than struggle and challenge ourselves to move on and up toward being happy? RATING: 3.25 out of 5 24) Eastern Promises Best actor performance by Viggo Mortenson. Eastern Promises was excellent and a must watch for 2007. Viggo's performance coupled with an engaging plot kept the DimBulb engulfed through out. RATING: 4.5 out 5
25) Into the Wild I wish I read the book. The recreation of a true story about a young man's quest for truth that brings him across the country to keep learning about himself illicit reflection in the viewers. Does the truth exist? Is there a complete truth for everyone? Is a passion so strong that moves you a positive when it skews your ability to see the beauty of life and relationships around you? Why is the journey the true end? RATING: 4.25 out 5.
26) Feast of Love A solid movie that tries to neatly wrap different life experiences with regard to relationships. A definite video watch with a blanket, some popcorn, and an easy night. RATING: 3.25/3.45 out of 5.
27) The Kingdom The Kingdom did exactly what it needed to do. Needing a two hour escape from reality the Kingdom's story line, good enough acting, action, and final scene provided the entertainment to keep the DimBulb captivated and interested. RATING: 3.00 out of 5
28) Heart Break Kid Just watch the previews ... RATING: 2.0 out of 5.
29) Kite Runner It is funny the way things work. I walked into the Kite Runner because it was the first movie of the day by 15 minutes ... ahead of I am Legend. And what I walked into was an empty theater but with an amazing movie that painted a memorable picture of loyalty, friendship, and strength. Sitting through the Kite Runner was an emotional ride which I am happy to say I cried, got angry, and felt overwhelmed by the strength of loyalty. We are lucky to see this type of relationship and blessed if we are ever able to encounter it. RATING: 4.9o out of 5.
30) Juno The DimBulb laughed through out the movie in which Juno played by Ellen Page was intelligently comedic with quality dialogue. Ellen Page by herself could have carried the entire movie but the additions of her Dad and Step Mom as supportive but whittly straight forward parents made the Juno more than just entertaining but could possibly be the DimBulb movie of the year. RATING: 4.90 out of 5
A DimBulb Can Light Up A Room Too ....