“Welcome Back”… Mase couldn’t have said it better as my return to the Bay Area is now officially 1 week and 5 days. {this was written 5 and half weeks ago} Oh yes I am back … Veloso is back. And with the return of Veloso is the return of the “Weekly Word”… with 2 major differences.
1) Not in college basketball
2) Not employed
The first has been easier for me to adjust to than the 2nd … lets say I have gotten out of bed by 8:20am every morning … ran … grabbed a cup of coffee … and proceeded to sit by the computer for a minimum of 5 hours a day attempting to slay Monster.com … NOT EXACTLY WHAT I AM USE TO.
So before beginning the first edition of the third segment (segment 1 at Santa Clara, segment 2 at UGF), I wanted to make sure that everyone knows that I am unemployed and because I am making a career change, I will need ALL the help I can get. I will try and make this the last plug for employment help and try to write something entertaining for once … at least something that makes you write back in rebuttal, disgust, or anxiousness.
So in a true “Welcome Back” fashion the first order of business is to come up with a new name for the hopefully entertaining but yet stupid piece of writing that you will receive … unless you take your name off the email list … that will come on a weekly basis … yes I said weekly basis {lie #1} …. And no I will not … unless I get employed … stop writing a weekly column … {lied to you again} so it best benefits everyone that I get employed and employed FAST … shameless plug #2. So I NEED SUGGESTIONS of names for the weekly word.
The second, which will reduce the reader base, is the topics I will cover on the “weekly word”. They will not strictly deal with Santa Clara or Great Falls basketball or life but what ever I feel like writing at that moment such as to nights Friday trip to “Mountain View: Where Division III’s Get Their Wins” or VH1’s “Flavor of Love” … which will definitely, eventually, but not yet for reader base purposes be covered.
So the Weekly Word, Constipation of the Mind, or the Life of the Unemployed (plug #3) will begin with reader input. I need titles … I need suggestions … I need a “Welcome Back”.
- side note: this email was sent out to those who I thought may appreciate the poor, not so funny, entertainment that I hope to provide. If you would like to be pulled off the list let me know. If you would like to add friends, family, future employers (#4), ex girlfriends, or midgets just forward it on and let me know and forward it on your own.
- For those who have never experienced the old “weekly word” an equivalent to the pieces of work you will read would be sitting on your coach at 3am while watching Cinemax and thinking why didn’t Shannon Tweed ever win an academy award.